
for your luxury Mitsubishi Electric Refrigerators
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Long-lasting freshness

Supercool chilling function is ideal for storing meat, fish, and other perishable food. This room keeps its temperature at about -3°C to 0°C, without freezing the food.

Storing food at a temperature of -3°C to 0°C without freezing.

Food can be deliciously preserved in the Supercool Chilling case, which is Mitsubishi's original technology.
Now you can keep a stock of raw food and ingredients fresh without freezing. Start your cooking when you want.

Preserves taste and suppresses discoloration

Discoloration is suppressed and freshness lasts longer chilled and the refrigerator compartments.

Reduce discoloration by approximately 11%*1

Cook without defrosting

No defrosting means you can cook right out of the Supercool Chilling Case and you won't not make your diners wait long.

  • *1
    Ambient temperature is 25°C. Supercool Chilling Case is set as Supercool chilled mode. Chilled case is set as middle setting.
    110g of ground meat is wrapped and stored for 7 days to compare the color change(fading of red color Δa*)Supercool chilled about -8.5, Chilled about -9.5.
